In short, yes. X-rays, gamma rays and some very high Terahertz microwaves are ionising to human flesh, because their energy is very high (high frequency, short wavelength). Photovoltaics are “ionised” by Visible and now even IR and UV radiation (Gallium and Indium). That is a product of their construction- the materials they are made of are specifically engineered to ionise at those frequencies.
Hey, HaD–If you’d let us edit our comments, I wouldn’t need to keep bloating this page with my stream-of-consciousness rambling.
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Functionalization methods such as chopping, oxidation, and “wrapping” of the CNTs in certain polymers can create more active bonding sites on the surface of the nanotubes.
Up next: How social has changed the nature of a reputation crisis, plus finding the right balance of communications
Everything on a single touch screen: Bystronic integrates the control of the ByTrans Cross and the BySort into the laser cutting system’s operator terminal.
Ben Steenkamp – Director, Fabrinox I could see a big development in technology, not only in machines, but also software. There was a huge focus on complete automation and employee efficiencies. I am really excited about the new software to assist programmers on the laser and bending machines from Trumpf, TruTops Boost and cannot wait for it to be released.
It’s a restricted material. Civilians cannot just purchase it. I inquired about buying a small sample just to have as a curiosity but the company said they cannot sell it.
“Things would change if more prominent black actresses or actors would use black creatives. If my client goes to the Oscars and does the whole awards season, then so do I. My visibility as a stylist goes up and keeps up. In this industry, the people who have the power to change somebody’s life, change somebody’s career, they need to do that. They need to give those opportunities to people who need it.”—Law Roach, stylist
Or use the cyclist to generate power! He could use his feet to drive a crankshaft which runs a generator…
Both tunnels are not road tunnels but railways tunnels. Trucks are loaded on the trains as in the Channel Tunnel with the drivers travelling in a railway passenger car or couchette wiith seats or beds.
The DDL power source, which differs from fiber lasers in that it doesn’t need an “active” fiber to assist in the creation of the laser light, has been used in the sheet processing industry for welding and heat-treating applications, but not for cutting because the quality of the light was not good enough. However, Amada and JDSU have worked together to develop a DDL beam that is suitable for cutting.