Product Guide

Product Guide

Product Guide

On the other hand i have seen a video of heating things up by placing them in a microwave in a shaped graphite block. I wonder what temperatures would this yield. Thanks. What you are doing is awesome as well. Everyone here in the lab likes reading about projects of your caliber. Wish we could he...

The Competence Days, which were a combination of a conference and live demonstrations followed by a tour of the production facilities, were dubbed with the theme “Optimise each process step: That is World Class Manufacturing.” The company said it had cooperated with the ACCC throughout the invest...

And the petrol engine is boosted by a nuclear reactor. Then if not enough the bike is pushed by huge electromegnets hidden under the road. Sign up to gain exclusive access to email subscriptions, event invitations, competitions, giveaways, and much more. “At EuroBlech, some OEM customers demonstr...

But yeah. Disassembly is the proof. How to tell which (ridiculously expensive) bikes to disassemble is the most important question. If you can screen them all, reliably, then you only need to take a few apart. I’ve heard about this before in 2011. It was a rumor about a cyclist that made an unexp...

I would reform the coil with longer straight leads. (move away from the PCB) Leave a tail pass the connection points on the PCB. (for the close loop cooler hoses). There is a lot of heat being thrown off the crucible. It must be taken away, or you will suffer the damage. YES, the wire from the PS...

One of the many benefits of CNTs over other conductive or strengthening materials is the low loading percentage needed to achieve typical results. Most companies/researchers start by using 1-3% loading ratios and adjust up or down depending on desired results vs. actual achieved results. “The Cov...

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