- Tshooj 6

Txoj moo

  • Laser txiav hmoov av

    Laser txiav hmoov av

    Laser txiav plua plav - Qhov kawg daws dab tsi yog laser txiav hmoov av? Laser txiav yog qhov kev txiav siab siab uas muaj peev xwm vaporize cov khoom siv tam sim ntawd thaum lub sij hawm txiav txheej txheem. Hauv cov txheej txheem no, cov khoom siv uas txiav yuav nyob hauv huab cua hauv daim ntawv ntawm hmoov av. Ntawd yog dab tsi peb hu ua laser txiav plua plav lossis laser txiav cov pa luam yeeb lossis laser fume. Dab tsi yog qhov cuam tshuam ntawm laser txiav hmoov av? Peb paub ntau cov khoom ...
    Nyeem ntxiv

    Aug | 05-2021

  • Laser Txiav Hlau Cov Cim

    Laser Txiav Hlau Cov Cim

    Laser txiav hlau cov cim dab tsi tshuab koj puas xav tau txiav cov cim hlau? Yog tias koj xav ua lag luam ntawm cov hlau cim txiav, cov cuab yeej hlau yog qhov tseem ceeb heev. Yog li, uas hlau txiav tshuab yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau cov paib hlau txiav? Dej dav hlau, ntshav, saws tshuab? Tsis yog, cov phiaj xwm hlau zoo tshaj plaws txiav tshuab yog cov hlau txiav laser feem ntau rau ntau hom hlau lossis hlau hlab ...
    Nyeem ntxiv


  • Oval Tube | Laser txiav daws

    Oval Tube | Laser txiav daws

    Oval Tube | Laser txiav kev daws - Tas Nrho Technology ntawm Oval Raj Hlau Ua Dab tsi yog Oval Tube thiab hom Oval Raj? Oval Tube yog hom hlau tshwj xeeb, raws li cov raj sib txawv ntawm cov kav hlau ellipes,
    Nyeem ntxiv


  • Machinery Laser Cutter-Zaub mov Machinery

    Machinery Laser Cutter-Zaub mov Machinery

    Machinery Laser Cutter for Food Machinery With the development of the economy, the manufacturing industry is developing in the direction of digitization, intelligence, and environmental protection. Lub Laser cutter ua ib tus tswv cuab ntawm cov cuab yeej siv ua haujlwm txhawb nqa kev lag luam kev lag luam txhim kho ntawm ntau yam kev lag luam. Puas yog koj nyob hauv cov khoom noj Machinery kev lag luam kuj tseem ntsib cov teeb meem ntawm kev txhim kho? Qhov tshwm sim ntawm High -...
    Nyeem ntxiv


  • Yuav ua li cas kom ntseeg tau tias laser txiav ntawm cov kav dej deformed

    Yuav ua li cas kom ntseeg tau tias laser txiav ntawm cov kav dej deformed

    Puas yog koj txhawj dua tias lub laser txiav tsis zoo rau cov khoom tiav tsis tuaj yeem siv vim tias muaj ntau yam tsis xws luag nws tus kheej, xws li deformation, thiab lwm yam? Nyob rau hauv cov txheej txheem ntawm muag laser yeeb nkab txiav tshuab, qee tus neeg muas zaub muaj kev txhawj xeeb ntau, thiab koj tsis tuaj yeem muab pov tseg thaum cov kav dej no pov tseg, yuav ua li cas ...
    Nyeem ntxiv


  • Golden Laser hauv Tuam Tshoj Thoob Ntiaj Teb SHEAVE EXHAUV

    Golden Laser hauv Tuam Tshoj Thoob Ntiaj Teb SHEAVE EXHAUV

    Golden laser ua ib tug leaser khoom lag luam khoom lag luam hauv Suav teb zoo siab thiab 17th Tuam Tshoj pwm txawb Expo (Ningbo Tshuab Tool & Pwm Exhibition). Ningbo International Revelics, ntse ua thiab kev siv tshuab ua yeeb yam (chinamach) tau tsim nyob rau hauv 2000 thiab yog rooted nyob rau hauv Suav teb kev tsim khoom. Nws yog ib qho kev tshwm sim loj rau lub tshuab cuab yeej thiab cov khoom ...
    Nyeem ntxiv

    Lub Tsib Hlis-19-2021

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  • Nplooj ntawv 6/18
  • Xa koj cov lus rau peb:

    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa mus rau peb