Robotic Arm 3D Laser Cutting And Welding Machine Factory - Haina

Robotic Arm 3D Taiaho Tapahi Me te Miihini Wea

Fiber Laser Cutting and Weld System e mahi ana me te 6axis Robotic Arm, he ngawari ki te tapahi me te wea i nga momo momo whakarewa 3D i roto i te tere tere me te tino tika. Karetao laser cutter whakamahia whānuitia i roto i te Ahumahi Automobile.

Tukuna mai to korero ki a matou:

Tuhia to korero ki konei ka tukuna mai ki a matou

Tukuna mai to korero ki a matou:

Tuhia to korero ki konei ka tukuna mai ki a matou